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Copy and paste this methodology to organize your money, spending just 15 minutes a week!

If every month this cycle repeats itself with you:

Then you need to stop living paycheck to paycheck, and take control of your money!

Can I show you My Organized Finances?

A simple and easy way to:

Pay your bills on time
Stay out of debt
Have money left at the end of the month

Take a look at what you will have access to: 

At the beginning of the month, I record all my income and expenses (rent, condo fees, electricity...)


After that, I plan how much I can spend in each area of my life (pharmacy, restaurants, leisure...)

And once a week, for 15 minutes... I record all the expenses I had...

With these simple steps, I can have a clear view of my financial life.

And, automatically, I generate important reports and insights.

These charts help me quickly see where every cent of my money is going and take smart action before the month ends.

And that's not all

If you have debts, I have a solution that will help you pay them off faster!

What is this, Juan?

Imagine you have several tasks to do, like tidying up your house, going to the market, and handling work-related errands. If you start with the easiest and quickest tasks, like tidying up your house, you quickly finish and feel happy because you've accomplished something. This gives you more motivation to continue and tackle the next task.

The snowball method works in the same way, but with debts. When someone owes money, they can start by paying off the smaller debts first, just like starting with the easier tasks. With each small debt they pay off, they feel more motivated to keep going. Over time, they’ll pay off all their debts, starting with the smaller ones and then tackling the larger ones.

That's why I added a tool for you to apply this method!



With this, I can know when the debts will be paid off, the outstanding amount...

And if I manage to pay installments in advance, I also have
the updated information.


Life isn’t just about paying bills, right?

And of course, there’s a tool for that too!

Take a look at how it works::

This visualization is automatically created to give you an
objective view of your achievements.

These are just a few of the features I’d like to introduce to you.

And now, you must be wondering:

How am I going to apply all of this?"

It’s not easy to go it alone. And luckily, you don’t have to... Count on me to help you!

100% customizable
Ridiculously easy to use
Tutorial videos for everything

See what our customers are saying!

Real people
Ordinary people
Just like you and me!

And, modestly speaking, everyone praises our customer service...

My team and I are ready to assist you in this transformation!

We assist you on WhatsApp, Monday to Friday, during business hours.

What customers love most about this methodology is that it’s simple to implement.

It’s easy to maintain, which makes you want to use it.


people who trust our work

2025 is just around the corner!

It feels like the year flew by, doesn’t it?

And you?

Do you want to start the next year the same way?

In debt, with no money left in your pocket at the end of the month… unable to go out, enjoy life, and make the most of it?

I believe not. It’s small habit changes that will help you better understand your current financial situation and guide you toward the future.

Count on me for this journey; I’m here to help you! I bet you’re living on the edge because you don’t have a plan!!

And that’s exactly what My Organized Finances can provide for you!

You’re probably thinking that changing this reality is very difficult and time-consuming..

But I guarantee you:

You just need:

The right tool
Step-by-step guidance
The courage to take the first step

That’s exactly what I deliver to you with My Organized Finances!

Before we continue, I need to ask you one simple question:

How much money have you lost in the past few months by not organizing your financial life?

Rotating interest

Late bill payments

Split credit card statements


How much money are you throwing down the drain with unnecessary expenses?

I can assure you, you’re losing way more than the investment in My Organized Finances!

In other words, closing this page without completing your purchase will cost you even more!!

And to get access to all of this, you pay a one-time fee.

No monthly charges.

You’ll have our support for 1 year!

There’s nothing like My Organized Finances on the market:

So simple that even a 10-year-old can use it.


It’s usable year after year.

Data Security:

Your data will be stored on your device. This means absolutely no one—not me, the bank, or my team—will have access to the information you enter.

Only you can see your own data.

Even if you know nothing about finances, spreadsheets, or even financial planning, we help you

With My Organized Finances, you will:

- Gain a clear view of your budget
- Reduce expenses in just 14 days
- Access an automated spreadsheet ready to start from scratch
- Maintain a routine of just 15 minutes a week!
- Enjoy 1 year of premium support
- End the month with money left over

Without My Organized Finances, you’ll continue:

- Spending more than you can afford

- Lacking control over your salary

- Getting surprised by your credit card bill

- Constantly stressed about money

- Ending the month in the red

How do you prefer to see your account?


A summary of everything you’ll receive:

Special Discount - End of Year

Pay once,use forever.

It’s not a subscription. Purchase it and enjoy lifetime access!

What happens after I make the purchase?


If for any reason you don’t like the content or feel it’s not for you, just request a refund from our team.

No hassle and no questions asked.

I’ve already done the hard work for you!

Now, all you have to do is use it.

My name is Juan, and I developed this methodology to make your financial life easier!!

I grew up in a family that never talked about money. My parents never taught me anything about it.

At 18, I earned my first paycheck. At the time, I was doing an administration internship and made R$800. In the first month, I spent it all. The second month, the same thing. By the sixth month, not only had I spent all my money, but I had also started using my overdraft.

One day, I came across a YouTube video about Emergency Funds. At the time, I didn’t even know such a thing existed. That’s when I realized I was being completely irresponsible with the money I earned each month. 


During my internship, I worked a lot with spreadsheets. So, I decided to create a basic spreadsheet to organize my salary.

That spreadsheet has been with me for over 10 years, and I still use it to this day. Now, I’ve decided to give others the opportunity to use my organization method.

After all, there’s no better peace of mind than knowing your finances are organized and your balance is positive.

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The reproduction, distribution, sale, or any other unauthorized use of this material is strictly prohibited without proper permission. Any violation will be subject to legal measures as provided in Article 184 of the Penal Code (Law 10.695/03). This content is exclusively available through authorized channels, and any other source of acquisition is considered counterfeit and illegal. We strongly recommend avoiding pirated or dubious materials, as they may compromise the quality and expected results. We are not responsible for purchases made outside official channels, and payment should only be made through authorized platforms. If you have any questions or suspect plagiarism, we have specialized legal support ready to assist you.

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